Internationale Tagung: Mountain Entrepreneurs – Generations and Transformations (1740–1830)

Universität Wien, 14.-15. September 2023

Organisator*innen: Margareth Lanzinger, Jon Mathieu (Luzern), Juan Hernandez Franco (Murcia), Antonio Irigoyen (Murcia) und Ana Zabalza (Navarra)


 Workshop: Haushalten mit Verwandtschaft

Leibniz Universität Hannover, 12.-14. Oktober 2023

Organisator*innen: Margareth Lanzinger (Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universität Wien),
Michaela Hohkamp (Historisches Seminar, Leibniz Universität Hannover)

 Tagung: Pass On. Generational transfers of wealth from the 16th to the 20th century

Freie Universität Bozen-Bolzano, 26.–28. Oktober 2023

Organisator*innen: Siglinde Clementi (Kompetenzzentrum für Regionalgeschichte, Freie Universität Bozen-Bolzano)
Margareth Lanzinger (Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universität of Wien)
Florian Andretsch and Claudia Rapberger (FWF Projekt “Noble Siblings”, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universität Wien)

Link zum Programm

 International Workshop: Debt - the Good, the Bad and the Hidden. Bringing Family, Kin, Commerce and Consumption Debts Together

Vienna, Thu-Sat 15–17 September 2022

In this workshop we would like to address aspects concerning socio-economic practices around debts. We are particularly interested in opportunities and risks people took with secured and unsecured, short-term and long-term debts, and in the resulting balancing acts. First, we want to examine forms and logics of incurring debts, whether debts were formally or informally documented and if and how they were brokered. Regarding different kinds or agreements we will chart the effects of (life) annuities, mortgage debts, pledges and guarantees. Second, looking at specific stipulations we want to find out whether dates of repayments and/or interest rate payments were settled; whether universal or specific hypothecary securitization was common; whether lending was for investments, for consumption or repayment of other debts. Third, in terms of personal relationships we examine possibilities and problems connected with lending inside and outside family and kin. Finally, we ask what modes of repayment and/or restructuring of debt – via exchange, purchase, etc. – can be traced in the sources.

Particular focus will be placed on inheritance shares, marriage portions or dowries as debts and their effects: how were such family debts carried further and how were they transferred? Were they paid out and if so how? What consequences did they have compared to other debts? Who was liable for which debts? What gender-specific impact does this question have? It is our goal to look at family debt – often ‘hidden’ or underestimated in historiography – in conjunction with commercial and consumer debt.

Programme (PDF)

Conference report (H-Soz-Kult)

 Tagung: Konsum von Alltagsgütern in sozialen Räumen in der Vormoderne

6. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Materielle Kultur und Konsum in der Vormoderne"

Zeit: Do-Sa 7.-9. Juli 2022

Ort: Alte Kapelle, Campus Universität Wien, Spitalgasse 2-4, 1090 Wien

Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch

Organisation: Aris Kafantogias, Janine Maegraith (beide Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte), Henning Bovenkerk (Uni Münster), Manuel Mozer (Uni Tübingen)

Programm (PDF)

Tagungsbericht (H-Soz-Kult)


 Kürzlich erschienen:

Margareth Lanzinger (Hg.)

"Formen des Kredits"

Themenheft der Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie 70, 1 (2022).

 Kürzlich erschienen:

Margareth Lanzinger u. Janine Maegraith (Hg.),

"Mobile Land"

Themenheft der Zeitschrift The History of the Family 27, 1 (2022).

 Kürzlich erschienen:

Siglinde Clementi u. Margareth Lanzinger (Hg.),

„Der letzte Wille“

Themenheft der Zeitschrift Historische Anthropologie 29, 3 (2021), mit Beiträgen des Projektworkshops „Der letzte Wille. Norm und Praxis des Testierens in der Neuzeit“ | „L'ultima volontà. Norma e pratica delle disposizioni testamentarie in età moderna“, in Kooperation mit dem Kompetenzzentrum Regionalgeschichte, Freie Universität Bozen, 19. Oktober 2018.

Cover Historische Anthropologie - Themenheft

 Kürzlich erschienen:

 Benedetta Borello u. Margareth Lanzinger (Hg.),

„Open Kinship“

Themenheft der Zeitschrift Quaderni storici 165, 3 (2020), mit Beiträgen der Abschlusstagung „Open Kinship? Social and Legal Practices from Gender Perspectives (1450–1900)“, Universität Wien, 26.–28. September 2019.

Cover Quaderni Storici - Themenheft

 Tagung: Verwandtschaft und Geschäft. Recht, Geschlecht und Generationenperspektiven (16.–20. Jahrhundert)

Conference: Kinship and Business. Law, Gender and Generational Perspectives (16th–20th Centuries) / Convegno Parentela e impresa. Diritto, genere e prospettive generazionali (secc. XVI-XX)

Freie Universität Bozen, 16.18. September 2021

Organisator*innen: Margareth Lanzinger (Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universität Wien), Siglinde Clementi (Kompetenzzentrum für Regionalgeschichte, Freie Universität Bozen), Andrea Bonoldi (Dipartimento di Economia e Management, Università di Trento)

Link zum Programm

 Kürzlich erschienen:

Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith, Siglinde Clementi, Ellinor Forster, und Christian Hagen (Hg.),

Negotiations of Gender and Property through Legal Regimes (14th-19th Century). Stipulating, Litigating, Mediating

This volume explores familial wealth arrangements and gendered property from the fourteenth to the nineteenth centuries in Italian, German and Austrian territories (including Florence, Trento, Tyrol, and Vienna), Nordic countries, Western Pyrenees, and England. Family property as capital in the form of houses, land, movables, financial assets, and rights were of great importance in the past. Arrangements of such property were characterised by a high degree of negotiating competence but likewise they entailed competition between the parties involved and were highly conflict prone. Fifteen contributors from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, and the UK address different marital property regimes in relation to the practices and legal regulations of inheritance patterns with consideration to inter-familial negotiation, conflict, and resolution.


Unter dem Titel "Die Witwe hatte es nicht überall lustig" berichtete Die Presse vom 27. März 2021 über das Projekt. Das Gespräch führte Alice Senarcles de Grancy mit Projektleiterin Margareth Lanzinger.


Im Rahmen des Panels "Undivided Property among Brothers in the Early Modern Period" nahmen Margareth Lanzinger als Chair und Organisatorin und Janine Maegraith als Vortragende an der European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2021 in Leiden teil:

Panel ESSHC 2021: Undivided Property among Brothers in the Early Modern Period: Legal Norms and Social Practices. Four Case Studies in Comparison
Leiden University, 24.-27 März 2021
Chair: Margareth Lanzinger
Organisatorinnen: Margareth Lanzinger, Siglinde Clementi
Diskutantin: Benedetta Borello

Siglinde Clementi, Undivided Property among Brothers – a Multifaceted Social Practice. The Case of Tyrolean Nobility in the Early Modern Period
Michaela Hohkamp, Brothers between Cooperation and Competition: Strategies and Politics of High Noble Houses within the HRE in Early Modern Times
Cinzia Lorandini, Between Business and Family Assets: Undivided Property among Brothers in Trentino (18th to 19th c.)
Janine Maegraith, Undivided Fraternal Property among the Peasantry in Early Modern Southern Tyrol. A Legal Hybrid?


Kürzlich erschienen ist der Sammelband The Routledge History of the Domestic Sphere in Europe, 16th to 19th Century, herausgegeben von Margareth Lanzinger und Joachim Eibach. Das Buch entstand aus einem Kooperationsprojekt mit Eibach, der mit Jon Mathieu, Sandro Guzzi-Heeb und Claudia Opitz das SNF-Sinergia-Projekt "Doing House and Family. Material Culture, Social Space, and Knowledge in Transition (1700–1850)" leitete.

 Das Projekt geht in die nächste Runde

Seit August 2020 läuft die nächste Phase des vom FWF finanzierten Forschungsprojekts (P33348-G): Projektbeschreibung

 Neue Kooperation

Margareth Lanzinger ist nun Mitglied des  DFG-Netzwerkes "Erbfälle und Eigentumsübertragungen". Näheres zum im Oktober 2020 startenden Netzwerk finden Sie hier: Link