Past Conferences and Panels

  • Workshop: Haushalten mit Verwandtschaft
    University of Hannover, 12-14 October 2023
    Organisers: Michaela Hohkamp und Margareth Lanzinger

  • International Conference: Mountain Entrepreneurs – Generations and Transformations (1740–1830)
    University of Vienna, 14-15 September 2023
    Organisers: Margareth Lanzinger, Jon Mathieu (Luzern), Juan Hernandez Franco (Murcia), Antonio Irigoyen (Murcia), and Ana Zabalza (Navarra)

  • Panel ESSHC 2023: Guardians of children, custodians of wealth, opponents of widowed parents (16th to 18th century)
    University of Gothenburg, 12–15 April 2023
    Organisers: Janine Maegraith and Margareth Lanzinger
    Chair: Craig Muldrew
    Discussant: Siglinde Clementi
  • Panel ESSHC 2023: Sibling Relations: Early Modern Noble Siblings. Situational Configurations between Alliance and Conflict
    University of Gothenburg, 12–15 April 2023
    Organisers: Margareth Lanzinger, Siglinde Clementi
    Chair: Margareth Lanzinger
    Discussant: Michaela Hohkamp
  • Panel ESSHC 2023: Framing & Negotiating Family
    University of Gothenburg, 12–15 April 2023
    Organiser: Margareth Lanzinger
    Chair: Dalia Lenarte
  • International Workshop: Debt - the Good, the Bad and the Hidden. Bringing Family, Kin, Commerce and Consumption Debts Together
    University of Vienna, 15-17 September 2022
    Organisers: Janine Maegraith, Margareth Lanzinger, Matthias Donabaum
    Conference report
  • Conference: Kinship and Business. Law, Gender and Generational Perspectives (16th–20th Centuries) / Tagung: Verwandtschaft und Geschäft. Recht, Geschlecht und Generationperspektiven (16.–20. Jahrhundert) / Convegno Parentela e impresa. Diritto, genere e prospettive generazionali (secc. XVI-XX)
    Free University of Bolzano, 1618 September 2021

    Organisers: Margareth Lanzinger, Siglinde Clementi, Andrea Bonoldi
    Conference report
  • Panel ESSHC 2021: Undivided Property among Brothers in the Early Modern Period: Legal Norms and Social Practices. Four Case Studies in Comparison
    Leiden University, 24-27 March 2021
    Chair: Margareth Lanzinger
    Organizers: Margareth Lanzinger, Siglinde Clementi
    Discussants: Benedetta Borello

    Siglinde Clementi
    , Undivided Property among Brothers – a Multifaceted Social Practice. The Case of Tyrolean Nobility in the Early Modern Period
    Michaela Hohkamp
    , Brothers between Cooperation and Competition: Strategies and Politics of High Noble Houses within the HRE in Early Modern Times
    Cinzia Lorandini
    , Between Business and Family Assets: Undivided Property among Brothers in Trentino (18th to 19th c.)
    Janine Maegraith
    , Undivided Fraternal Property among the Peasantry in Early Modern Southern Tyrol. A Legal Hybrid?
  • Panel SSHA Chicago "Modes of Transfer"
    Saturday 23 November 2019, 09:00 - 10:30
    Chair: Margareth Lanzinger
    Discussant: Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux

    Janine Maegraith,
    Financing Transfers. Buying, Exchanging, and Inheriting Properties in Early Modern Southern Tyrol
    Johannes Kaska, The Influence of Partible Inheritance on Land Transactions. Schlanders, Southern Tyrol, and Lambach, Upper Austria, Compared
    Fabrice Boudjaaba a. Laurent Herment, The Civil Code, a Revolution in Modes of Transfer? Heritage and Marriage Contracts in France at the Beginning of the 19th Century

  • Open Kinship? Social and Legal Practices from Gender Perspectives (1450–1900) | 10th Conference of the European network "Gender Differences in the History of European Legal Cultures" | Vienna, Sept. 2019
    University of Vienna, 26-28 September 2019
    Organisers: Margareth Lanzinger, Julia Heinemann, Johannes Kaska und Janine Maegraith

  • Panel Rural History Paris "Mobile Land - Contexts of Changes in Ownership"
    Thursday 12 September 2019, 14:30 - 16:00
    Chair: Margareth Lanzinger
    Organizers: Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith, Regina Schäfer
    Discussant: Emmanuel Huertas

    Regina Schäfer, Life Tenants? Mobility of Land in the Middle Rhine Valley (15th century)

    Birgit Heinzle, Inheritance, Marriage, Sales. Land Transactions among the Rural Society in the Aflenz region (Upper Styria), c. 1494-1550

    Janine Maegraith and Johannes Kaska, The Influence of Inheritance Practice on Land Transfers in Early Modern Tyrol. Expectations and Reality

    Aleksander Panjek, The Tangible and the Intangible. Peasant Land Market in the Slovene Countryside (Karst, 17th-18th centuries)

  • International Workshop "Der letzte Wille. Norm und Praxis des Testierens in der Neuzeit" | L'ultima volontà. Norma e pratica delle disposizioni testamentarie in età moderna | Bressanone, in cooperation with the Competence Centre for Regional History, Free University Bozen-Bolzano | 19 October 2018
    Workshop Report

  • Workshop "Material Culture in Context" | University of Cambridge, Newnham College | 6 to 7 July  2018

  • Panel ESSHC Belfast "The Role of Wealth in Shaping Social Relations in Early Modern Europe"
    Friday 6 April 2018,  14.00 - 16.00 | University of Belfast
    Chair: Raffaella Sarti
    Organizers: Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith
    Discussants: Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga
    Siglinde Clementi:  Seperately Managed and Controlled: the Assets of Women. Marriage Portions, Inheritance and Testamentary Dispositions of Tyrolian Noble Women in the Early Modern Period
    Helena Iwasinski:  Property Transfers between Family Members of the Lower Nobility in Eighteenth Century
    Cinzia Lorandini:  Merchant Families and Undivided Patrimonies: a Case Study from the Prince Bishopric of Trento (Eigteenth Century)
    Janine Maegraith, Margareth Lanzinger:  The Role of Inherited Wealth among Siblings in Early Modern Southern Tyrol
  • International Workshop "Vermögen als Beziehungsmedium – Recht und Praxis in sozialen und rechtlichen Übergangsräumen" | Beni come veicolo di relazioni sociali – diritto e prassi in spazi di transizione“ | Bressanone, in cooperation with the Competence Centre for Regional History, Free University Bozen-Bolzano  | 26 - 27 May 2017