- Margareth Lanzinger, „Coppie disuguali: proprietà e genere” | IX Congresso internazionale SIS „Genere e storia oltre i confini” | Palermo, 20–22 June 2024
- Margareth Lanzinger, „Unternehmer in den Alpen. Gastwirtsfamilien in Südtirol im 18. Jahrhunderts“ | Conference of the International Association for Alpine History "Družine v Alpah / Familien in den Alpen / Famiglie nelle Alpi / Familles dans les Alpes / Families in the Alps" | University Ljubljana, 29–31 August 2024
- Matthias Donabaum, „Haushalte(n). Historische Perspektiven auf eine zentrale Ordnungskategorie“ | IFK Monday Lecture | IFK Wien, 4 December 2023
- Margareth Lanzinger and Siglinde Clementi, "Women and Succession – Women as Heiresses" | International conference: Pass on. Generational Transfers of Wealth from the 16th to the 20th Century | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 26-28 October 2023
- Janine Maegraith, "Als weichend Geschwistrigten. Financial assets and material endowments for ceding heirs in early modern Tyrol" | International conference: Pass on. Generational Transfers of Wealth from the 16th to the 20th Century | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, 26-28 October 2023
- Matthias Donabaum, Janine Maegraith, and Margareth Lanzinger, „What’s in a household? Financing the everyday in early modern Central Europe“ | Workshop: Towards a Comparative History of Household Finance Before and After the Industrial Revolution | Antwerp University, 20-21 October 2023
- Margareth Lanzinger, "Innkeepers – Traders – Hauliers: Generations and Diversification on South Tyrolean Transit Routes" | International Conference: Mountain Entrepreneurs – Generations and Transformations (1740–1830) | University of Vienna, 14-15 September 2023
- Matthias Donabaum, „Landed widows and familial debts. Inheritance, succession, and land markets in 18th-century Lower Austria“ | European Rural History Conference | Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 11-14 September 2023
- Janine Maegraith and Margareth Lanzinger, "Contexts of guardianship, mothers’ wealth, and gender-specific lines of conflict" | 14th ESSHC | Gothenburg, 12–15 April 2023
- Matthias Donabaum, „Guardianship between state administration and familial interests. Lower Austria c. 1700-1780“ | 14th ESSHC | Gothenburg, 12–15 April 2023
- Margareth Lanzinger, „Records and Lists of Women in Marital Contexts in the Early Modern Period” |
5. Kongress für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte „Verteilung und Teilhabe: Konflikte in polarisierten Gesellschaften seit dem Mittelalter" | University of Leipzig, 29–31 March 2023 - Janine Maegraith, „Die Umordnung der Wirtschaft. Von Klosterwirtschaft zu wirtschaftlicher Bedrohung der Frauengemeinschaft in Gutenzell nach 1803“ | International Conference: Bedrohungswahrnehmung & Bedrohungsbewältigung. Geistliche Frauengemeinschaften in Säkularisation und Aufklärung | University of Tübingen, 23–24 March 2023
- Margareth Lanzinger, „Ehevertrag und Inventar. Aushandeln, dokumentieren und absichern“ | Final Meeting of the DFG-Network „Erbfälle und Eigentumsordnungen seit 1800“: "Das Wissen vom Erben und Vererben. Perspektiven und Quellen seit 1800" | University of Leipzig 15–17 March 2023
- Janine Maegraith, “Table talk. Lives in a negotiated community: courts, kin, neighbours, and the market in early modern Tyrol” | WISO Morgenkolloquium | University of Vienna, 15 March 2023
- Matthias Donabaum, "Family, Orphans, and Credit. Local Credit Markets in Lower Austria, c. 1730-1780" | Dissertant*innen-Tagung Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Umweltgeschichte | BOKU Vienna, 27-28 February 2023
- Matthias Donabaum, „Marital Property, Credit, and Women’s Economic Agency in 18th Century Lower Austria“ | Brown Coffee Seminar | Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, University of Cambridge, 1 December 2022
- Matthias Donabaum "Orphans and Credit in Lower Austria, c. 1740-1790" | International Workshop: "Debt - the Good, the Bad and the Hidden. Bringing Family, Kin, Commerce and Consumption Debts Together" | University of Vienna, 15–17 September 2022
- Margareth Lanzinger "lnnkeepers as Creditors and Debtors in the Eighteenth Century" | International Workshop: "Debt - the Good, the Bad and the Hidden. Bringing Family, Kin, Commerce and Consumption Debts Together" | University of Vienna, 15–17 September 2022
- Janine Maegraith "Financing Wealth Transfers in Early Modern Tyrol" | International Workshop: "Debt - the Good, the Bad and the Hidden. Bringing Family, Kin, Commerce and Consumption Debts Together" | University of Vienna, 15–17 September 2022
- Matthias Donabaum, „Familie, Verwandtschaft und Kredit in einer niederösterreichischen Kleinstadt. Eggenburg ca. 1740–1790“ | WISO Morgenkolloquium | University of Vienna, 1.June 2022
- Margareth Lanzinger, „Die Listen der Frauen. Rechtliche, soziale und geschlechtsspezifische Kontexte der Auflistung von Geld und Gütern“ | Conference „Objekt:Listen. Medialität von Dingverzeichnissen in der Frühen Neuzeit | Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek | 4–6 November 2021.
- Margareth Lanzinger and Matthias Donabaum, "Historische Familienforschung in Wien" | Meeting of the DFG Network „Erbfälle und Eigentumsübertragungen Erbpraktiken im Spannungsfeld von Staat und Familie seit 1800“ | University of Vienna | 27 September 2021
- Margareth Lanzinger, Final comments | Conference "Kinship and Business. Law, Gender and Generational Perspectives (16th–20th Centuries)" | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | 16–18 September 2021
- Janine Maegraith, "Kin, Credit, Land, and Goods: the Farmer as Entrepreneur (Southern Tyrol 16.-17. century)" | Conference "Kinship and Business. Law, Gender and Generational Perspectives (16th–20th Centuries)" | Free University of Bozen-Bolzano | 16–18 September 2021
- Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith and Matthias Donabaum „Besitz und Eigentum. Logiken, Grenzen und Formen von Verfügungsgewalt in räumlich-vergleichender Perspektive“ | Annual Meeting of the SGWSG, Bern | 3 September 2021
- Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith and Matthias Donabaum „Women utilising the many facets of wealth (16th to 18th century)“ | WMM, Zurich | 9-11 June 2021
- Janine Maegraith "Undivided Fraternal Property among the Peasantry in Early Modern Southern Tyrol. A Legal Hybrid?" | ESSHC 2021, Leiden | 24-27 March 2021
- Margareth Lanzinger "Widows and Relatives: Competing Property Interests (Tirol 1600-1800)" | ESSHC 2021, Leiden | 24-27 March 2021
- Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith and Matthias Donabaum "Vermögen als Medium der Herstellung von Verwandtschaftsräumen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert" | Annual Meeting of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, University of Vienna | 23 November 2020
- Margareth Lanzinger "Genealogie ist ein guter Anfang für vieles mehr. Perspektiven der Historischen Verwandtschaftsforschung" | presented at the heraldic-genealogical society Adler in the lecture series "Gespräche beim Adler", Vienna | 27 February 2020
- Margareth Lanzinger "Kinship, Marriage and Inheritance. Discourses and Social Practices" | Presented in the seminar "Geschichte der Familie" of Maria Papathanasiou, European History, University of Athens, Greece | 25 February 2020
- Janine Maegraith "Wenn zwei besitzen: eheliche Vermögensverwaltung und verwandtschaftliche Ansprüche" | Workshop "Wenn zwei sich streiten. Normen und Praktiken der Ehe in der Frühen Neuzeit" | WWU Münster, Germany | 13-14 February 2020
- Janine Maegraith "Financing Transfers. Buying, Exchanging, and Inheriting Properties in Early Modern Southern Tyrol" | SSHA 2019, Chicago | 21-24 November 2019
- Johannes Kaska "The Influence of Partible Inheritance on Land Transactions. Schlanders, Southern Tyrol, and Lambach, Upper Austria, Compared" | SSHA 2019, Chicago | 21-24 November 2019
- Margareth Lanzinger, "Parentesco abierto? Kinning y de-kinning, ‘imparentarse’ y ‘de-parentarse’ – perspectivas europeas" | Seminario Familia y Élite de Poder, siglos XV–XIX, Universidad de Murcia | 3 October 2019
- Janine Maegraith and Johannes Kaska "The Influence of inheritance practice on land transfers in early modern Tyrol: Expectations and Reality" | Rural History 2019, Paris | 10-13 September 2019
- Margareth Lanzinger "Konsum als Element sozialer Distinktion lokaler Eliten im ländlichen Raum?" | 5. Schweizerische Geschichtstage about „Reichtum/Richesse“, University of Zurich | 05–07 Juni 2019
- Janine Maegraith, "Financing, Buying and Exchanging Peasant Land in Early Modern Southern Tyrol" | Department of Social Science, Faculty of Law and Letters, Ehime University, Japan | 14 April 2019
- Janine Maegraith "Selling, buying and exchanging peasant land in early modern southern Tyrol" | Workshop "Trading Peasant Land. Patterns and Strategies of Land Transactions in Late Medieval Central Europe and Northern Italy" | University of Pavia, Italy | 22 –23 November 2018
- Margareth Lanzinger "Widows and Relatives: Competing Property Interests (Tirol, 1500–1800) – Elements of a ‚Kinship System" | 43rd Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association „Histories of Disadvantage: Meanings, Mechanisms, Politics”, Phoenix, Arizona | 08–11 November 2018
- Janine Maegraith and Johannes Kaska "Auf Kosten von Verwandtschaft oder Seelenheil? Testamente im südlichen Tirol in der Frühen Neuzeit" | Workshop "Der letzte Wille. Norm und Praxis des Testierens in der Neuzeit", Freie Universität Bozen, Campus Brixen, Italy | 19 October 2018
- Janine Maegraith "Wealth distribution and inequality in early modern southern Tyrol: between kinship entitlements and market access" | Institute of Economics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China | 11 October 2018
- Margareth Lanzinger "Emotive Wording – Conflictual Decisions: The Language Surrounding Contentious Wealth Transfers in the Early Modern Period" | Forty-Second Annual Conference, German Studies Association (GSA), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | 26–30 September 2018
- Janine Maegraith "Fences and the meaning of property: Sixteenth Century Southern Tyrol" | 9th Conference of the European network “Gender Differences in the History of European Legal Cultures”, London GHIL | 19–21 July 2018
- Margareth Lanzinger "Movable Goods and Immovable Property - Interrelated Perspectives | 9th Conference of the European network "Gender Differences in the History of European Legal Cultures", "Movable Goods and Immovable Property. Gender, Law and Material Culture in Early Modern Europe (1450‒1850)", London GHIL | 19–21 July 2018
- Janine Maegraith "Fences and the meaning of property: sixteenth century southern Tyrol"; Newnham History Forums at Newnham College, Cambridge | 7 June 2018
- Janine Maegraith and Margareth Lanzinger "The Role of Inherited Wealth among Siblings in Early Modern Southern Tyrol" | ESSHC 2018, Queen's University Belfast | 4–7 April 2018
- Margareth Lanzinger "Verwandtschaft, Vermögen, Vererbung – multiperspektivisch" | Colloquium of the Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna| 6 December 2017
- Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith and Johannes Kaska "Vermögen als Medium der Herstellung von Verwandtschaftsräumen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert" | Annual Meeting of the Forschungsschwerpunkts Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, University of Vienna | 27 November 2017
- Margareth Lanzinger "Kinship Discourses on Marriage and Inheritance" | Forty-First Annual Conference, German Studies Association, Atlanta, Giorgia | 05–08 October 2017
- Janine Maegraith, Workshop "Alltagsobjekte: Quellen und Fragestellungen in der Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte", "Dinge! Objekte als Quellen und Ausstellungsstück" | Erlanger Sommerkurs, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen | 20–23 September 2017
- Margareth Lanzinger and Janine Maegraith "Landownership or Landlessness: the Complex Meaning of Property in Southern Tyrol (Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries)" | Rural History Conference 2017, KU Leuven | 11–13 September 2017
- Janine Maegraith "Vermögen der Unvermögenden? Strategien bei ungleichen Besitzverteilungen im südlichen Tirol des 16. Jahrhunderts" | Vortrag auf Einladung des Jour fixe des Instituts für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit in Kooperation mit Geschichte am Mittwoch, Universität Wien | 21 June 2017
- Margareth Lanzinger and Janine Maegraith "Kinship Ties and Wealth: The Limits on the Disposal of Property and its Consequences" | Conference "Navigating the Boundaries of Kinship and Politics", Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZIF), Bielefeld | 08–10 May 2017
- Margareth Lanzinger and Janine Maegraith "Composition of Wealth: Between Kinship Entitlements or Market Access" | Paper following the invitation of the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, University of Cambridge | 27 April 2017
- Margareth Lanzinger and Janine Maegraith "Objects as proxy for social and economic values, capabilities und relations" | Conference "Objects and Possessions: Material Goods in a Changing World 1200–1800", University of Southampton | 03–06 April 2017
- Janine Maegraith "Unequal distribution of wealth and countervailing strategies in sixteenth century southern Tyrol"; Presentation of the FWF research project at the Newnham History Forums am Newnham College, Cambridge | 15 February 2017
- Margareth Lanzinger "Vermögen als Medium der Herstellung von Verwandtschaftsräumen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert" | Presentation of the FWF research project at the Forschungskolloquium „Alte und Neue Welten“, Historisches Seminar, Universität Hannover | 13 December 2016
- Margareth Lanzinger and Janine Maegraith "Competing for wealth: Access to landed property and women’s agency in sixteenth century southern Tirol" | 41st Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association (SSHA), Chicago | 17–20 November 2016